Wares Ferry Road Baptist Church began in 1971 serving as a mission. Rigby Street Baptist extended it arms to help the mission. The mission was located in the old Wallace Building on the Southern Bypass with Brother Austin Thornton, a state missionary, serving as its first pastor. The original congregation consisted of six members.
On June 26, 1972, the mission moved from the Southern Bypass to Wares Ferry Road. The church was organized as a New Testament Church under the name Montgomery Missionary Baptist Church, with 21 charter member. The organizational services were held at Rigby Street Baptist Church with Brother Austin Thornton serving as our first pastor. Brother Thornton resigned in April 1974.
Brother Bryan Wilson was called as our pastor in August 1974. Brother Wilson, along with his wife Lynn, and sons Ronald and Mike, worked faithfully to erect the present sanctuary building. Our building seats 240 people and was completed in 1977.
Brother Jimmy Wilton, along with his wife Linda and family, became our pastor after Brother Wilson was called to do other work in 1977. Between 1977and 1979, our church was under the leadership of Brother Wilton, Brother Morris Hull, and Brother Icie Hollon.
In October 1979, Brother Arthur Johnson, who was an interstate missionary, was called to be our pastor. Our church incorporated as a 501 (C)(3) in December 1979. Brother Johnson served our church until his resignation in June 1982.
Brother Charles Duncan was called as our pastor in August 1982. He and his wife Sylvia, and children Don and Sherry were a blessing to everyone in the church. During his tenure, the educational edition to our building was completed and dedicated to the Hull Family. Brother Duncan served us faithfully until his resignation on May 31, 1998.
Brother Kenneth Garner served as interim pastor and was called as our pastor on April 7, 1999. Brother Kenny, his wife Micah, son Chad, and his daughters Hailey and Vivian, served our church until his resignation on February 4, 2001.
On May 6, 2001, Brother Charles Duncan accepted the call to come back to Wares Ferry Road Baptist Church. Everyone was thrilled to have brother Duncan and his family back with us. He served us until June 2008.
Brother Tom Green served as interim pastor from June 2008, until the church called Brother Lenny Bolton as pastor in January 2010. Brother Bolton served our church until his death in 2017.
Brother Wesley Whitworth is our current pastor and has been serving since November 2017.
In 2023, the church voted to disaffiliate with the Baptist Missionary Association. We currently send money directly to the missionaries.
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